Atheism is considered to be the belief in nothing. Many have said that they function as those that are “unbelievers”; however, as is evident by the definition, they still believe or have an idea about “something”. True unbelief would be a complete lack of belief—the absence of belief. In regards to humanity, true unbelief does not exist. There is no person who lacks belief in all things. If that were true, how panicked and frightened that person would be. They would distrust that a chair could keep them up, that they would wake up another morning, that the air (or their lungs) will let them breathe, that their fingers will move, that their brain will come up with ideas, etc.


This is a term that relies heavily on the term unbelief. Since there is no one who truly believes in nothing, there are no true unbelievers. Unbeliever is a term used by those that have a common belief to label those that lack their specific belief, thereby out casting the “unbeliever.” Example: a Buddhist is an “unbeliever” to a Muslim, an atheist is an “unbeliever” to a Christian, and a Christian is an “unbeliever” to an atheist.