Dear whomever may be looking at this blog,
This blog was not created to tell you about my beliefs or even to tell you what my beliefs are. I won't do that because, for this blog, it does not matter. And I won't do that because sharing my beliefs involves a lifetime of sharing what has influenced my thoughts.
No. I am here and writing this to question your beliefs.
I want you to translate in your own mind your life, your thoughts-including those subconscious bits of ridiculous that you ignore-and stare at your belief. Look at it, observe it as it guides you, whether you noticed it beforehand or not. And I want you to ask, why? Why do you believe what you do? Where is your meaning? Why? Is what you are living for what you think is important? Why? What are you living for? What are you dying for?
I must say, I intentionally tried to not be biased in what I have put on this blog. I tried to let whatever came to mind flow naturally into it without influencing my reader in trying to believe what I believe. I tried to make this blog as unbiased as possible.
However, I do understand that my own belief does influence the way I think and hence the material I am naturally drawn to. So what is portrayed in this blog, no matter how hard I may have tried, is affected by my own beliefs. I hope you can forgive my beliefs bleeding into the subject matter and I sincerely tell you the intention of this blog is not to push anyone into believing what I do, but in just questioning and testing what they believe in themselves.