Diagram 1.1
Our culture prides itself on focusing on facts and the saturation of scientific study. This song is my dedication to the scientific and shows the focus on science and not in a god.
Bright Eyes from "Don't know When But A Day Is Gonna Come": “There is no truth. There is only you and what you make the truth.”
Question to consider: Why do we have this yearning for truth and fact if there is no ultimate truth? Where does our want for truth come from?
What follows are questions and statements brought forth to the class. After each statement are more thoughts on the subject and questions in regard to the theme.
“Why can’t fictionality produce truth?... Why do generic conventions matter?”
A class was asked these questions. In reference to the latter, a student answered that we have generic conventions and the reason why we want fiction to be truth is because of the ability to relate to others. We relate to others lives and we want to see what others have gone through so we can relate to them in what we have gone through (SEE “THE OTHER” and “UNBELIEVER”).
“The only path to truth: to lie your ass off.”
Question: Does truth relate to reality? If not, then what is the point of truth and why do we seek after it? Also, what is truth? Would not lying be the opposite of truth? Then yes, we need the binary to have truth, but does lying bring forth the truth? Does truth inhabit fact? What is truth?
“What value does truth have for us?”
What this question asks is why are we pursing truth? Does it matter? To follow up, the professor said, “What matters largely has nothing to do with truth… Even after [our ‘truth’] is shattered, we continue on.” However, are these statements true? When our truth is shattered, are not we confused and lost? And if we are not following or searching for truth, are we living for lies? Why would one live for what he knows is untrue? Would you love someone because you loved them even though you knew for a fact that they did not love you?
The wikipedia.org down-low:
"The Milky Way plays with time. The two main characters often encounter individuals in the dress of various time periods throughout history, or historical events take place in the modern setting of the film, including scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. In his autobiography, Buñuel explains that he wanted to put Jesus Christ in the film because he "wanted to show him as an ordinary man, laughing, running, mistaking his way, preparing to shave — to show, in other words, all those aspects completely alien to our traditional iconography."[2]
Often, these encounters involve conversations or arguments regarding a specific Catholic doctrine or heresy, and are intended to show the absurdity of making absolute statements about such topics as a 'matter of fact.' Two heresies prominent in the film are Priscillianism and Jansenism."
And a short clip: